Mick Jagger could be set to hit the big screen in new film TABLOID, currently under development through his own 'Jagged Films' production company. The singer may be in line to take up the role of a 'media mogul' in the new movie, written by 'A History of Violence' screenwriter Josh Olson, inspired by an idea of Jagger's telling the story of a "Rupert Murdoch-like mogul and a young journalist who is brought into the inner circle of his immoral media empire". The film would credit Jagger with his first starring role in a movie since his appearances in 'The Man From Elysian Fields' in 2001 and as an ex-rocker back in 1970's 'Performance'... Sadly for Mick though it looks like he just won't be able to quite upstage his Rolling Stones buddy Keith, it's just they don't tend to wear pirate costumes in the Rockefeller Apartments!
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